Contact List

Contact List

What is a Contact

A contact, refers to any Physician, Case Manager, or Social Worker associated with a referral. To access and manage your contacts, navigate to the main menu on the left of the Referral Tracker app, click on "Directory," and then select "Contacts.”

When building your referrals you will be able to choose contacts that pull from this list.

How to Add a Contact

Contacts can be added to the list using two methods:

  1. Directly in the Contacts List:
    • Go to Directory > Contacts.
    • Click on "+ New" to add a new contact.
  2. On a Referral’s Detail page:
    • Navigate to the Information tab on the Referral's detail page.
    • Scroll to the Referral section.
    • In one of the contact drop-downs, select "+ Add New" to add missing contacts via a pop-up.

Case Managers and Social Workers

For Case Managers and Social Workers you are required to associate them with a hospital. If the hospital is not listed in the hospital dropdown, add the hospital in the Hospital list first and then come back to add the contact. When building a referral that came from a hospital, the “Referred by” dropdown will only show Case Managers and Social Workers that are associated with that referral’s hospital.


Physicians do not require a hospital association when being added.

Checking for Duplicate Contacts

When adding a contact, the system automatically checks for duplicates. If the Name, Type and Hospital entered match an existing contact, you will receive a prompt indicating that the contact already exists and cannot be added.

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