Grievance Log Settings

Grievance Log Settings

Only users with the permission "Edit Grievance Log Settings" can access the Grievance Log settings page.


Mapping Departments to User Roles and Grievance Categories

This mapping is necessary so that when a user is filling out a grievance and selects a grievance category, the appropriate department(s) are notified, and users with the corresponding roles receive an email notification.



The Department- Admissions is mapped to the User Roles- Admissions and Staffing Coordinator and  Grievance Category- Roommate Issue.


When the user is filling out a new Grievance and chooses Roommate Issue from the list of grievance categories, the field "Departments to Respond" will automatically populate with Admissions


Any user assigned in User Settings to the User Roles- Admissions or Staffing Coordinator, will get an alert about the new grievance.



How to map Departments to User Roles and Grievance Categories

  1. On the main menu select the  Settings  tab.
  2. Then select Grievance Log under Application Settings.
  3. Click on a department from the list on the left.
  4. Choose the roles that belong under this department.
  5. Choose the grievance categories that this department is responsible for and should get notified about.
  6. Save and click on the next department to modify.
To avoid confusion and disorganization in the mapping, it's recommended that the Grievance Log settings be managed by a single designated person in the organization.



Add New Grievance Categories and Departments

To add a Grievance Category or Department, select the Add New button in either of the sections and add the new Grievance Category or Department. User Role options can not be added to.


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