Printing Incident Reports

Printing Incident Reports

To print a report for specific incidents you can choose to print one incident at a time, or multiple incidents at once. 

Printing a Singular Incident

  1. Open an incident that you want to print.
  2. Click on the print icon located at the top right of the incident.

  3. The print options menu will open.

  4. By default the “Incident Report” is selected as the report to be printed. If you want to print a "Full QA Report" instead, click on the dropdown arrow and select it.
  5. To include the incident's attachments in the print out, check off the "Include Attachments" checkbox.
  6. Click "print".

Printing Multiple Incidents

  1. Go to the Risk Reporter Home page where you see the incident list.
  2. Hover over one of the incidents that you want to print and look for a checkbox that appears on the incident.
    1. On the card view, the checkbox will be located on the top right corner of each card.
    2. On the list view, the checkbox will be on the left-hand side of the incident.
  3. An action bar will appear above the list with the option to print.
  4. Check off the checkbox on each additional incident you want to print.
  5. When done selecting the incidents, Click on the "print" button to proceed.
  6. The print options menu will open.
  7. By default the “Incident Report” is selected as the report to be printed. If you want to print a "Full QA Report" instead, click on the dropdown arrow and select it.
  8. To include the incident's attachments in the print out, check off the "Include Attachments" checkbox.
  9. Click "print".
Alternatively you can print these reports from the the Print Multiple Incidents Report.


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