Risk Reporter Settings

Risk Reporter Settings

What are these settings?

This setting page is where you can define your organizations custom "Other Incident Types".


Where are these "Other Incident Types" used?

When creating new Risk Reporter incidents, the user chooses which of these options will be available in the dropdown if "Other" is selected as the incident type. 



Note: We do not recommend using the option "Other" for Incident Type, as it only requires a short note to be filled out and the necessary fields for compliance will not be available. In addition, any Reports being pulled will not reflect the data accurately.


How do I add these options?

  1. Navigate to Home>Settings>Application Settings>Risk Reporter Settings.
  2. Click on the "add" button and fill out the incident type option in the text field.
  3. Add as many other options as needed and then click save. 


Only users with the permission "Edit Risk Reporter Settings" can access the Risk Reporter settings page.



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