Why can’t I edit a grievance?
After adding information to the grievance and saving, editing is only possible with the "Edit Grievance" permission, which can be accessed through Settings>User>User Details>Apps>Grievance Log. See User Setting and Permissions. Granting this ...
I'm not seeing my facilities’ Grievances in the Dashboard?
Make sure you have access to your facilities under Settings>User>User Details>Facilities. In addition you can only see grievances with categories that are mapped to your department. See Grievance Log Settings to learn how to map categories to a ...
Why are there no categories listed in the “category” dropdown when filling out a Grievance?
If the department you are in has no mappings, there will be nothing in the dropdown. See Grievance Log Settings to learn how to map grievance categories to a department. If a specific user needs to choose a grievance category that is not currently ...
Why is the Resolved section of Grievance Log disabled?
There are 3 possible reasons why the Resolved section may be disabled: A grievance cannot be resolved before the Follow Up section is complete. A user can only Resolve a grievance if the user is granted the permission "Resolve Grievances" under ...