Referral Dashboard

Referral Dashboard

The Referral Dashboard is the main home page of Referral Tracker. It shows all available referrals for your facilities. There is a separate list item for each facility that is on a referral.
There are 2 views modes to display the referrals. The List view and the Column view.

Column View

The column view has a column for each status. When you want to update the status of a referral you drag and drop the referral card to the correct status. Once a referral leaves the New column, it cannot go back. When a status requires a sub status or a reason a pop up will appear. 

List View

The list view show all the referrals as rows.
Sort: select on a column header to sort the referrals by that column.     
Column chooser: Next to the "+ New" at the top of the page, there is a settings button. Click on the button and select the Column chooser feature. You can check off which columns you would like to view or hide from your list. This is a personal customization. 


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