Archive a Referral

Archive a Referral

When can a referral be archived?

When a facility on a referral is in a final Status (Declined, Lost, Admitted), you have the option to archive the referral.

What does archiving do?

When a referral is archived all facility related actions are disabled. This includes changing the status, adding bed information, and adding an action. On the Referral Dashboard the archived referral will be hidden unless the checkbox "Include Archived" is selected. 

How to archive?

There are two methods to archive a referral when it is in its' final status:
  1.  Referral Dashboard- Select the More Actions Button>Archive in either of the following locations:
    1. Referral list- at the end of the row for each referral
    2. Referral columns- top right corner of card
  2. Referral Details- an archive button will appear on the bottom left corner of each facility's card. 

All archived referrals can be unarchived by following the same actions used for archiving.

View archived referrals

On the Referral Dashboard, you can view all archived referrals by simply checking the "Include Archived" checkbox. Archived referrals will display in a lighter color and they have the archived icon next to the referral name.

All referrals are included in the reports regardless of their archived status.

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